
Together with our partners from science and research, we work on various national and international research projects.

STREAM - Secured traffic data for reliable and efficient automated mobility

Project duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2025

Buzzwords such as intelligent transport systems (ITS), connected and cooperative transport systems (C-ITS) and cooperative connected automated mobility (CCAM) are on everyone's lips as part of the digitalisation of transport and the mobility transition. Connected driving is one of the "enablers" for automated mobility. One as yet unresolved problem arising from this is that C-ITS and CCAM will not be possible without secure and trustworthy communication, data and information. Only trustworthy information can be classified as safe by road users and used to actively influence behaviour or the automated driving function.
The overall aim of the STREAM project is to establish a complete technology chain for the creation and transmission of trustworthy information from the infrastructure (intelligent intersection and route) to networked road users. The areas covered by this project are detection, cyber security, pilots in urban and rural environments and productive operation procedures. The overarching international goal is to harmonise the infrastructure for trustworthy and reliable data and communication in Germany and the Czech Republic. Communication is secured via a so-called public key infrastructure (PKI) and the messages are transmitted via


"Rob-aKademI" - Application of artificial intelligence methods | Use of robots in manufacturing

Project duration: 03.06.2020 – 30.06.2022

A few days ago, dresden elektronik received the funding approval for the participation in the BMBF research program "Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods" and has already started.

Under the project name "Rob-aKademI" dresden elektronik will investigate in a period of two years how robots can be successfully used in the complex processes of THT PCB assembly. The research task is to find out how a robot can precisely place the connections of components in the holes provided for this purpose on the printed circuit boards. This technical challenge is to be solved by using artificial intelligence and self-learning algorithms. We are working together with two research institutes and five industrial partners. The results are intended to facilitate the work of our employees, which up to now has been exclusively manual and in the long term cognitively burdensome. The goal of the Rob-aKademI research project is to improve working conditions and increase productivity through automation. During the research period, we expect many exciting solutions and corresponding success.

For further information, please click here

IVS-KOM – Communication technologies for intelligent traffic systems

Project duration: 01.02.2017 - 31.01.2020

Through a wide use of communication technologies in intelligent transport systems, the safety, environmental compatibility and comfort of the selected mobility can be sustainably improved. The three existing primary communication technologies in the mobility sector - WLAN-11p, mobile and DAB + - can already cover many mobility applications today. But in the future, the performance and reliability requirements of communications will grow - especially through networked, highly automated driving and the increasing adoption of cloud technologies. The IVS-KOM project establishes a reference system for communication in intelligent transport systems integrating the primary technologies. The reference system will be integrated into various platforms through appropriate adaptations, especially in on-board on-board units, infrastructure-side road side units and traffic lights. The reference system is first based on the current state of development and standardization and is then extended by new functionalities for communication-supported highly automated driving. There is a strong cooperation with other projects of the initiative "Synchronous Mobility 2023 - Intelligent Transport Systems in Saxony". The reference system established in IVS-KOM should therefore also support the requirements of other projects under the initiative.

Synchronized automated driving in urban areas (SYNCAR)

Project duration: 15.09.2016 – 14.09.2019

It is foreseeable that highly automated driving will already be visible in real road traffic in the near future. However, the application of highly automated driving in complex inner-city traffic situations is still a major challenge: Today's research and development focuses on safety, driving comfort and energy consumption from the perspective of a single vehicle. In SYNCAR this perspective is extended by developing novel solutions for anticipatory automated driving in coordination with other road users and traffic light systems. This will also lead to a new form of traffic process optimization by providing specific driving recommendations (maneuver recommendations) for specific vehicle groups or individual vehicles. In order to achieve this, new methods for processing environmental information from vehicle sensors, for handling communication processes between the vehicle and its surroundings, for operation and visualisation in the vehicle and for information provision on the infrastructure side must be developed. The methods and functions in the vehicle and in the trackside infrastructure that are developed within the framework of this project are to be implemented as prototypes and demonstrated in test drives partly on non-public test fields and partly in real road traffic.

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